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World Change Tracker

1950 is the earliest year for which we have data available, so has been set as the minimum allowed value.

How does it work?

This website takes historical data about things such as the world population and levels of atmospheric pollutants, and presents them in a way which is hopefully more relatable than simple dry statistics. We are living through a time of rapid change, where an accelerating increase in industrialisation and the global population is influencing other areas of our lives; some of these changes will no doubt be positive, just as others will certainly have negative impacts upon our lives.

By comparing statistics about these changes, it is possible to make an objective assessment about what form these impacts may take, but simple statistics without a human reference point are often difficult to visualise. By presenting how a selection of these metrics have changed in a human lifespan (that of the visitor), we hope to make the changes currently occurring in the world more relatable; and thus let people decide for themselves whether they wish to be a passive observer in our times, or take action to shape their future.

The website is currently work in progress, and I hope to extend it in the future; perhaps adding more data sources and graphics etc.